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Course Reserve Lists

CED 600 Applied Child/Adol Development

Faculty Lead: Dr. Sladjana Rakich
Creation Date: March 2018

Week 1

Child Development Theorists: Freud to Erikson to Spock…and Beyond, 2009, 22 minutes, Learning Zone Express.
This video provides an overview of the major child development theories, how the theories differ and how more than one approach can be beneficial. Historical footage and photos are combined with candid documentary footage from day care centers. [Requires Library login]


Week 2

Combating Conflict with Character, 2011, 155 minutes, Films Media Group.
This five part video series focuses on teaching children conflict resolution by showing dilemmas involving bullying, peer pressure, prejudice, and unresolved anger. Its target audience is youth, but teachers and students of developmental psychology can pick up useful strategies for intervening in childhood conflicts they witness. [Requires Library login]

Identity Crisis: Self-Image in Childhood, 2005, 60 minutes, Films Media Group.
This engaging and surprising video captures the social and emotional development of 25 children as they begin to discover their beliefs about themselves. [Requires Library login]

Week 3

Middle Childhood Cognitive and Language Development, 2008, 20 minutes, Learning Seed.
During the middle childhood years children make significant cognitive advancements. This video clips looks at the findings of developmental theorist Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky to see how children develop during this time. [Requires Library login]

Middle Childhood Social and Emotional Development, 2008, 24 minutes, Learning Seed.
Children during middle childhood have a strong desire to identify their place in the world; in doing so, they develop self-concepts and self-esteem. This video clip looks at the findings of developmental theorist Erik Erikson to see how children develop during this time. [Requires Library login]

Week 4

The Secret Life of the Brain: The Teenage Brain--A World of Their Own, 2001, 54 minutes, David Grubin Productions and Thirteen/WNET.
Findings from the tools of neuroscience shed light on some of the most baffling teenage behaviors. This video combines expert commentary, case study and animation to tell the story.

Real Life Teens: Teens and Disabilities, 2007, 17 minutes, Films Media Group.
This short film features adolescents with disabilities describing their experiences. A brief overview of the history of special education is provided, as well as suggestions for interacting respectfully with teens who are disabled. [Requires Library login]

Dealing with Bullying, 2011, 32 minutes, Films Media Group.
This video explores the causes and consequences of bullying, as well as interventions that have proven effective for combating bullying in schools. [Requires Library login]