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Diversity: Preparing for Diversity

Faces of Diversity

Education Liaisons

Amanda Bezet: Graduate Student Success Librarian

Amanda Bezet: Graduate Student Success Librarian

Tammy Ivins

Tammy Ivins: Reference & Instruction Librarian

I am a liaison librarian for the School of Education, where I in particular work with students and faculty from Applied Behavioral Analysis, School Psychology, Educational Counseling (ASPEC).  Please don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with me or email me anytime. 

Benita Ghura: User Experience Librarian

Benita Ghura: User Experience Librarian

I am one of the Education Librarians for the Sanford College of Education. I provide research consultations, classroom instructions, library presentations and create LibGuides. I have an open door policy. Please feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions at

Daniel Johnston: Reference & Instruction Librarian

Daniel Johnston: Reference & Instruction Librarian

NCATE and Diversity

Focus on diversity

"Rapidly growing diversity in America’s classrooms will mean that almost 50 percent of schoolchildren will be from widely divergent backgrounds by the early 21st century. Preparing teachers who are ready to teach all students is a part of NCATE’s expectations." (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education  . (2005). NCATE: Making a Difference. ERIC Document: ED495469  4 pp.)

"Standard 4: Diversity expects that the unit designs, implements and evaluates curriculum and experiences for candidates to acquire and apply knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. It includes the expectation that candidates have the opportunity to interact with candidates, faculty, and P–12 students from diverse groups." (FAQ About Standards)


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Face of Learning