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K-12 Curriculum Resources

A guide to National University Library's resources for teaching elementary and secondary school students

Resources for Curricular Planning & Development

Selected E-Books

Selected Websites

Selected E-Books

Selected Readings and Websites

Selected E-Books

Selected Readings and Websites

Selected E-Books

Selected Readings and Websites

Selected E-Books

Selected Readings and Websites

Selected E-Books

Selected Readings and Websites

K-12 Curriculum Resources - Internet Archive

The library's Curriculum Resource Center is now available online through Internet Archive.

There are approximately 307 e-books supplied by educational publishers (student editions, teachers' editions and workbooks, etc) on K-12 instruction.


You may access this collection by creating a free account with Internet Archive.

Step 1: Go to the Internet Archive website:

Click on "Sign up" by the person icon, see screenshot below: 


Once you complete the sign in form, you will receive an email to verify your account.

Upon verification, you can login and access the K-12 Curriculum Center. 

Here are a suggested list of search terms to use:


Search Terms: K-12 Instructions

ESL Curriculum

Grade K (substitute K for any grade level, i.e. 3, 4, etc) Reading Strategies
History-social science
Math essentials 
Phoneme awareness
Reading Comprehension
reading skills 