
National University Library Blog

Staff Spotlight: Meet Summer Krstevska, User Engagement Librarian

~[394]~ David Feare ~[395]~ 2017-08-19T10:51:00-07:00 ~[408]~ Library Stories | 0 ~[396]~

To tell you more about who we are, we will periodically post a Staff Spotlight on people who work in, or with, the Library. This Staff Spotlight focuses on Summer Krstevska, our latest User Engagement Librarian and the new liaison to the School of Business and Management (SOBM). Summer just joined the Library team in August 2017!

You're a native of New Hampshire who's just moved out to San Diego to join National University-- what's the most New Hampshirite thing about you?
The most New Hampshire thing about me is that I frequently use the state motto, “Live free or die” as an acceptable excuse for doing things. It has definitely gotten me in trouble once or twice! 

Some people have strong a preference for physical books, e-books, or audiobooks. What do you normally choose to read? 
My go-to is always the physical book. I’m trying to build my book collection because believe it or not I left all of my books back in New Hampshire and I'm in need of decorations for my new apartment! 

You've traveled quite a bit, especially through the Balkans, since your husband is Macedonian. What's next on your travel bucket list? 
Next on the bucket list is to travel around California, and the rest of west coast, to get to know our new home! I still have so much to see in San Diego, so that's first on the list, but next up is San Francisco and Seattle! 

If you hadn't become a librarian, what do you think your career path might've looked like? 
I think I would have gone into publishing! I’ve always had a dream of finding that one overlooked manuscript in the slush pile that becomes the next Harry Potter or of designing layouts for a magazine. 

If you lived in Westeros, you'd pledge your loyalty to... 
Without a doubt I would pledge my loyalty to House Stark. Long live the King of the North! Not only does the North remind me of New Hampshire, but I love Jon Snow. Jon Snow cares about his people and doesn’t focus on the political game.  

You’re a runner, and there are so many pretty and quirky places in San Diego to explore on foot. Have you found some favorite running routes yet? 
So far, I have really enjoyed running on Mission Beach boardwalk and also throughout my neighborhood, Mission Hills. Pioneer Park is right near my apartment and I usually run there and do some laps while people and dog watching!  

What are you looking forward to most at National University?
I’m excited to get to know people; my colleagues, the SOBM faculty and staff and the students!




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