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Business Resources


EBSCO Business Source Premier: Find market research reports using EBSCO Business Source Premier. A list of market research reports is located on the right side of the page.  

Data AxleDatabase of 24 million businesses with company information, executive titles, sales volume, industry code, and number of employees. Help using this database.


StatistaStatista is a statistics portal that integrates data on over 60,000 topics from over 18,000 sources in one place. Statistical categories include media, business, finance, and politics. Infographics with popular statistics are available for use in presentations or your research papers. Click here to watch a video on how to find statistics in Statista. 

Additional Resources

Finding Competitor Info

Use the resources below to find information on a company's competitors or industry competitors. 

  • Mergent Onlinesearch for a company name, and find the "competitors" tab at the top of the page to view a company's major competitors.
  • Statista- search for an industry, company, or product and find statistics on which have the largest market share. 
  • Data Axle- find local competitor information when you search for a company in your area. 

Consumer Research

Use the resources below to find information and identify your consumers

Census Business Builder-  Regional Analyst  Overview & Small Business Edition Overview videos provide a brief overview of the key features of the Census Business Builder tool, and how to use it 

Economic Census- A great source for U.S. economic, social, and demographic statistics, particularly for small areas and local communities. Includes information on the national and local U.S. economy, businesses, and industry data

Statista- search for consumer information, statistics, and data

Data Axle- use the "U.S. consumer/ Lifestyles" tab to find information on local areas