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International Business Resources: Articles

Global Business

What You'll Find Here

Use our recommended databases to find journal articles in your subject area. Learn more about finding articles, or request articles that the library does not have access to.

Find Articles

If you're looking for business journal articles, we recommend that you start with one of these library databases.

Use the following "starter searches" to quickly explore key terms, strategies, and relevant databases.  Modify results to focus a search on your research needs.

The above searches use selected EBSCO business databases.  Try similar searches in ProQuest.

How do I verify that my article is peer-reviewed?

Look up the name of the journal that published the article in one of these directories:


Related Databases

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Full Text Articles

Not all databases provide the full text of articles even though the library has access to them. Learn more here:

Use the forms below to request delivery of articles and books from library collections or from other libraries (interlibrary loan).


Articles (including Science Direct)...

Found a great journal or article database that you would like us to add to the library's collection? Let us know!

Journal Purchase Request

What is Peer-Review?

Peer-reviewed (refereed) articles are certified by experts in the field before they are accepted for publication. 

Brief Glossary:

   Academic:  Refers to the audience of a publication

   Scholarly:   Refers to the audience of a publication

   Refereed:   Articles are monitored before publication

   Peer-Review:  "Blind review" by scholars and experts

Search Tips

When researching a question, don't use complete sentences. Instead, use the most important keywords! For example:

How are mobile devices affecting education?

The most important keywords are:

mobile devices AND education

Use Boolean operators to modify your search. This is very useful when you are searching for journal articles!

Boolean Operators

AND     OR     NOT

AND will narrow your search results:
"global warming" AND glaciers

OR will expand your search results:
"mobile devices" OR smartphones

NOT will exclude certain results:
cowboys NOT football

Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase. This will help you find more specific results! For example:

social media = 8221 results

"social media" = 1140 results

Use an asterisk (*) after a set of letters to perform a truncated search. This will find variations of a word. For example:


will find results containing the words... 

muscle, muscular, musculoskeletal, etc.