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Library Resources for Course Developers

Enhance your online course by integrating articles, books, videos, and more.


Welcome to the library resource guide for Course Developers. Find relevant journal articles, books, and more that you can include in your Blackboard class.

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Enhance Your Course with Library Resources

Blackboard logoIntegrating links to library resources within your Blackboard course is a great way to encourage students to use the high quality information sources offered by the Library. As a course developer, you can link directly to specific library resources within the pages you create in Blackboard. This is ideal when you would like all students to read a particular article or watch a video from a database. This guide explains how to find resources and add them to your course:

Why Integrate Library Resources into Blackboard?

Benefits of integrating library resources into your course:

  • Eliminate Copyright compliance worries since access is covered in the Library’s database contracts
  • Acquaint students with professional literature in their field sooner
  • Model academic research behavior for your students’ own research
  • Provide learning content 24/7!
  • Get assistance in linking from your library liaison